



International R&I -cum- Consulting Organization

www.twreec.org continues functioning as international R&I -cum- Consulting Organization for 17SDG2030 UN Agenda Goals of Paris Agreement - PA2015. Knowledge and knowhow requirements on climate change mitigation – CCM, and adaptation -CCA are dominantly nation-specific applications and generally deficient or irrelevant in all 197 or 198 signatory countries to PA2015. CCM and CCA venturing is a lot different from traditional capital investment projects from inception/conception to end/post EFL stages, but mandatory without past experience anywhere in the world. Accordingly, no single party to PA2015 is in a position to guide or technology-transfer to others because all are needy academically, practically, institutionally, or governmentally. TWREEC consulting services are ranged from climate education, PAT, formulation of governmental policies/strategies, de-carbonizing retrofit/revamps of existing facilities, execution of new mega/medium/small projects with optimally reduced carbon footprint, and global/regional/national carbon credit trading.  Undoubtedly, CAPEX/OPEX outlay of CCM-CCA venturing falls beyond governmental-societal affordability in many countries but TWREEC attempts ensuring it tolerable under nationally sustainable socioeconomic interests of client countries. CCM-CCA actions do not accept status quo of science, engineering, and technology –SET applications in socioeconomic developmental as well as environmental efforts. Resultantly, SCOW definition has become top complexity of climate change projects to the extent of justifying barter deals between CCM-CCA projects internationally. Accordingly, the entire range of industrial and nature based solutions got to be climatically upgraded for 21st century compliance irrespective of the outcome of yearly held COP meetings. TWREEC can certainly help interested countries at affordable consulting fees kept highly negotiable for combating extinction threat.

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